Senators maneuver to add outdoor bill to defense package

By Garrett Downs | 07/30/2024 06:34 AM EDT

The outdoor recreation legislation already passed the House with broad support.

Sen. Joe Manchin speaks on a phone at the U.S. Capitol.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chair Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) is working to secure passage of outdoor recreation legislation this year. Francis Chung/POLITICO

Top senators are trying to attach a sweeping outdoor recreation bill to the annual defense authorization package, a move that could push the stalled legislation across the finish line.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chair Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) submitted a version of the “Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act” as an amendment to the fiscal 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.

The bill, H.R. 6492, passed the House earlier this year led by Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and ranking member Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.).


If senators successfully attach the amendment, it would likely ensure passage of the “EXPLORE Act” by the end of the year. But that’s far from a sure outcome. Lawmakers submit hundreds of amendments to the NDAA every year and most are left on the cutting room floor.